Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Weird Things You Did Not Know Could Give You Amazing Skin- Even Vodka!

Magazines, beauty websites and friends, will encourage you to invest in products that they think will work wonders for your skin. However, you’ll be shocked to know that there are a few amazing ingredients that can be easily found in the four walls of your kitchen. Eager to know what they are? Here’s a list of 8 weird things you did not know could give you amazing skin! (Yes, even Vodka!)

1. Nutritious Eggs

Eggs not only make a yummy meal, but they’re also equally yummy for your face! Though, they might smell awful and feel gross to touch, a mask made out of egg whites can be extremely beneficial for your skin. It has nourishing, protein and toning contents which are responsible for giving your complexion a radiant glow, keeping your skin firm and diminishing the appearance of large pores. Don't chuck the yolk out as yet, use it on your mane to give it a glossy and healthy texture.

2. Fresh Cinnamon

Ever wondered why many beauty products contain cinnamon as a major ingredient? That’s because, it’s a miracle worker for your skin. Apparently, it’s known to act like a stimulating agent for your blood vessels which are responsible for giving your skin a plump, smooth and soft texture. You can also crush a cinnamon stick into tiny powdery pieces and mix it with honey to create your very own face scrub! This mixture will not only act as cleansing agent for your pores, but will also improve blood circulation.

3. Minty Love

If your skin is acne prone, you might want to give mint leaves a shot. Since they are a rich source of salicylic acid and vitamin B, they can help banish those zits. All you have to do is apply the juice of the mint leaves to your face for a couple of minutes and then wash it off. You will notice that the juice leaves your skin feeling fresh, bright and smooth.

4. Scented Sandalwood

Popularly known for its antiseptic properties, sandalwood, makes an excellent ingredient for disinfecting wounds, blemishes and nasty cuts. Sandalwood oil can also be used as a moisturizer for all skin types as well. To eradicate acne and unwanted bacteria, make a paste out of sandalwood, turmeric powder and water. Keep it on for 15-20 mins. Wash it off with cold water. Do this twice a week to get results!

5. Trippy Vodka

Yes ladies, vodka! We’re not asking you to drink it, but we’re requesting you to apply it to your gorgeous skin. Trust us, it makes a great toner which helps tighten up those pores, eradicate dead skin cells, and refreshes skin texture. The best part, it works on all skin types (Even on sensitive skin!)
6. Gooey Honey

When it comes to hydrating the skin, honey makes an excellent substitute for water. It’s extremely soothing and has natural antibacterial properties which are excellent for your skin. It keeps blackheads at bay, and gets rid of dead skin cells. Instead of using products that contain honey, use natural honey as it has a better impact on your skin.

7. Rich Banana Pulp

Bananas are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. They work wonders for your digestive system and surprisingly for your skin as well. Bananas contain vitamin A, which is responsible for banishing dark spots and improving skin texture. If you want to create a facial scrub, chop the banana into fine pieces then mash it up. Add the mashed paste to a bowl of brown sugar to give it a crunchy texture. This mix works wonders on all types of skin, especially the sensitive kind.
8. Turmeric

In India, turmeric is considered to be a natural beauty ingredient. It has antiseptic properties and fights acne. Although, it might give your skin a slightly yellowish tint, but it will leave a radiant glow at the end of it. It’s also a fabulous bleaching agent when it comes to dealing with dark elbows and knees.

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